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Imagine the Possibilities

  I have been running my business for well over 20 years. What started out as a Sunday school project evolved into a business idea, all from my kitchen table. Royal Scrap Club was created and founded in 1999 and has been a thriving faith-based home business every since. We have evolved from two people scrapbooking at my kitchen table to hosting monthly workshops and quarterly open events. We have added page kits and faith and esteem building workshops. I was very content until my youngest sister told me about Corner to Corner. After doing some research I decided apply to be added to the wait list. I wasn't sure if I would be a part of the random selection. But praise God I was selected. I am so glad that I was a part of the program. While I was already in business for over 20 years, a lot of things I had taught myself through trial and error. But overall, I am very thankful to have gone through the program. The  Academy The Academy is a 10-week program that equips communit...
Recent posts

Rediscover the Magic of Christmas

  Good morning and Merry Christmas I can hardly believe that it is Christmas Eve. No doubt you're in disbelief at how quickly the year has passed. While many of us are preparing for Christmas Eve services and Christmas Eve family decorating, we do not want to forget about those in our circles that are hurting. Let us not forget about those outside of our circles and remember those that are homeless with no family or friends. The older I get, the more I rely on a quote from Dr. Seuss, “Christmas doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps mean a little bit more..” Since the onset of the pandemic in 2020, I have learned to look beyond the magical lights, decorations, gifts, and parties to see the true magic of Christmas. The magic of Christmas, to me, is looking beyond your present circumstance, looking beyond the material things, and looking beyond the political and social scenes of our nation. I encourage you today to look beyond Christmas Day and rediscover the magi...

Finding the Message in the Mess

Finding the Mess age in the Mess (warning is is not a scrappy post) For at least 8 weeks, my life has been changing rapidly.  From the launching of a new business venture to, redefining friendships, to starting a now job. It is amazing how God speaks to us from the most unlikely places. Whether its from the pulpit of your local place of worship or from a random stranger at the Kroger. God will always speak through; and you can always find the message in the mess. All you need to do is be open to listen. Read the Word so that you will be familiar with His will and His voice. HEARING GOD ON THE JOURNEY: In 2003 Royal Scrap Club was created and founded as the result of a children's Sunday School class. It all began at my kitchen table with some Elmer's glue, construction paper, and decorative patterned scissors. I had no idea that it would bloom into RSC & Company. I had no idea that a ministry and encouragement for women,  through scrapbooking, world be born.. Th...
Where did the summer go? It's hard to believe that next week is the end of the month. November is just around the corner. Next thing you know, it will be Christmas...and the new year will be here. With the new year comes more expansion for Royal Scrap Club (RSC) & Company. 2016 will bring lots of changes for Royal Scrap Club. Each year is another vision fulfilled. The more God's Holy Spirit revels, the more the business grows. RSC was launched in the Spring of 2003, 2005 the club was formed, 2008 Delta Phi Scrappa was integrated into the business, 2010 ushered in monthly workshops, field trips and fellowship crops, 2011 brought Royal Scrap Club Crops & Retreats, 2013 open crops, 2014 quarterly themed crops,  retreats, and layout kits and banners, and 2015 Royal Scrap Club Boutique! -To God be the glory Royal Scrap Hosted its 3rd Crop & Retreat on October 16, 17, 18.

Gateway Drugs and Addctive Behavior

Scrapbooking Gateway Drugs and Addictive Behavior Scrapbookers Gateway:   a drug (cardstock) whose use is thought to lead to the use of and dependence on a harder drug (as double sided printed cardstock).  HELLO, MY MAME IS CYNDI and I’m addicted to paper, glitter, and buttons. I’m on a crafting purchase “fast” and not doing well at all. I’m also sailing toward a crop addition. But there is nothing like an addition to paper.                I recently went to a crop where we waited for almost over an hour in line in order to get a good seat. Obsession? Fun? What ever it was, it was FUN!! Once you are addicted, you will find yourself buying paper for an open van, in the middle of a parking lot with hundreds of witnesses. You throw caution to the wind; not caring who is looking or taking pictures of you  feeding the paper beast inside of you heart and mind. And then, it hits you-the unmistakable smell ...