Finding the Mess age in the Mess (warning is is not a scrappy post) For at least 8 weeks, my life has been changing rapidly. From the launching of a new business venture to, redefining friendships, to starting a now job. It is amazing how God speaks to us from the most unlikely places. Whether its from the pulpit of your local place of worship or from a random stranger at the Kroger. God will always speak through; and you can always find the message in the mess. All you need to do is be open to listen. Read the Word so that you will be familiar with His will and His voice. HEARING GOD ON THE JOURNEY: In 2003 Royal Scrap Club was created and founded as the result of a children's Sunday School class. It all began at my kitchen table with some Elmer's glue, construction paper, and decorative patterned scissors. I had no idea that it would bloom into RSC & Company. I had no idea that a ministry and encouragement for women, through scrapbooking, world be born.. Th...