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My Safe Place is My Crafting Space

My Safe Place...

Even though I run my scrapbooking business from home; my space is still my safe place.  Even though I host crops and lessons there too; it's still my safe place. My safe place is where I talk to God and read His word, it's where I preserve my families memories; as well as the memories of others. My safe place is free from drama and criticism. I can put in a CD or watch a DVD and sing at the top of my lungs. Yes, I can even fill the foot massage, add lavender and camomile for soothing. Please take a moment to share my Safe Place. 
RSC and Company
My Safe Place

Stamps and other embellishments

  •  Embellishments 
      • Stamps
      • Empty albums
        • Pages in Progress

Additional Cling and Clear Stamps
  •  Printer for Journaling
  • Cricket, Cartridges, and Jukebox
  • Themed Embellishments 
  • Magazines
  • Templates
  • Cardstock and Chipboard Letters

 Storage Bins (left to right)
  1. 6x6 albums and 4x6 photo cases
  2. all 4x6 mat stacks

All Slice SD cards and 5x7 photo cases

Large flowers and large chipboard embellishments
Storage for Ongoing Projects
Drawers for completed layouts

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  1. I can feel the peace! Love it and enjoy it!

    1. you're welcome to come anytime. I need to come down and scrapbook with you too

  2. Super craft space, I love how you have the paper stored under the table like that!!

    1. Thank You Missy. I appreciate you stopping by. please become a follower.

  3. I love your safe place!!! It is always good to have a special place to talk to God! New follower - come visit me! Thank you for linking up with us for Tara's linky party at Craftin Desert Diva's. We hope that you will join us again for future linky parties!

    Cut One Designs by Robin

  4. Your craft space is wonderful. I love those paper racks and how organized your space is! I'm your newest follower!

    Thank you so much for joining us at Craftin Desert Divas “Show me your craft space“ Linky Party. New Linky Party
    starts Monday hope you will join us again!!

    Craftin Desert Diva's

  5. LOVE YOUR ROOM!!!! It is AWESOME! I am SO using your idea of drawers for ongoing projects! I just have them laying in piles in my craftroom!!!

    Thanks for joining us at Craftin Desert Divas!

    Crafty Hugs,

    1. Thank you Jessica for visiting. The drawers are a tremendous help for those times when you are working on a multiple books. Thank s again for visiting. I would love it if you would join my blog.

  6. Pink and gospel music.....I could live in your room forever! ;-)


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